Self Study Doll Making classes

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Getting Ready to Visit Tulsa

I am so excited to be visiting Tulsa this May at the request of the Tulsa Dolling Dames!  I was so pleased to be invited to teach a class for them that I created a doll with advanced ball jointing techniques that I have never taught before.  The doll has a swivel head also.  I have even been playing with techniques to inset eyes in a needle-sculpted head with a cloth overlay for the class.  This is the doll for the class.  I still need to complete painting the body.  The class will also involve using watercolors for skin tone and facial coloring.
Hope you are enjoying a very creative week :-)

Thursday, March 5, 2015

It's time for Spring Already!

Okay, I don’t think I am alone in having enough of winter and being ready for spring.  Well, I can’t control the weather but I can make it look more like spring inside.  I have been on a flower making spree and thought I would share some of the flower art dolls I have been working on.  

I really fell in love with this one and just might keep her for myself!

Most of them will be on sale at the Quinlan Art Doll and Teddy Bear Convention in Philadelphia on Saturday May 2, 2015.  If you are interested in finding out more about the convention click on the following link
 I am also teaching a class at the same convention on Thursday April 30th on how to needle sculpt and use watercolors to create a cloth doll head.  Information to sign up for the class can be found by clicking on the same link.

I also wanted to share that I have been interviewed by my good friend Maria for a blog post on Greene Earth Originals.  If you are interested in reading the article and seeing some more pictures of my dolls you can click on the link here
If you sign up for her newsletter she will give you a free mixed media tutorial.  Pretty awesome right?

And last but not least, I am getting ready to teach Claudette:  A Cage Doll online class on A for Artistic starting March 30th.  You can find out more about the class by clicking on the link here