Self Study Doll Making classes

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Do you Ever Wonder Where Inspiration Comes From?

I just wanted to share where my inspiration came from for one of my latest creations, Claudette.   I have always been a bit fascinated with Santos or cage dolls and when I saw a sale on decorative bird cages I had to buy them and try my hand at creating one.  Shortly afterwards I woke up from a dream remembering the words, “Romance is the Music of Life.”  It just seemed like the perfect theme for my cage doll.  So, I decided to create an altar to romance inside of the birdcage by filling it with handmade crepe paper flowers and a handmade frame filled with a romantic picture.  While searching for a picture to place in the frame I found a portrait of Queen Charlotte painted by Esther Denner in 1761 on Wikipedia.  I fell in love with her costume.  The bodice and ruffled choker created for Claudette were inspired by this painting.  I didn’t use it for the picture in the frame of the altar because I found a painting of Princess Henriette playing the viola by Jean-Marc Nattier that seemed much more appropriate for the theme.  Once I start working on a project it seems like inspiration for different aspects of the project just seem to keep popping up all around me!
It’s not too late to sign up for the online class Claudette: a Cage Doll.  If you would like more information about the class click on the link below :-)