Self Study Doll Making classes

Friday, October 23, 2015

Newest Creations

I just wanted to share with you my progress on the flower fairies I have been working on.  As you can tell I have definitely been inspired by the beautiful colors of this fall and all that shines.  Each Fairy is needle-sculpted cloth that is hand painted with watercolors and embellished with hand beading.  I am still working on another one but taking time to photograph each process step by step so I can share how to create them in a future online class.  Hope you like them :-)

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Inspiration for Mistique

I just thought I would share what inspired me to create Mistique, a cloth needle-sculpted ball jointed boudoir doll.  My greatest inspirations for Mistique were the beautiful Lenci boudoir dolls.  I have loved them forever.  The Strong Musuem of Play in Rochester NY has a very extensive doll collection and also has a wonderful online collection.  These are some pictures of the Lenci dolls I fell in love with in their online collection.  

You can click on the link to see more of their online collections here

When I started out making my own dolls I imitated the child like Lenci dolls and covered bought face masks with felt.  As I progressed in my doll making I became influenced by Antoinette Cely and started creating my own clay masks that I used cloth overlays on after reading her book on Cloth Dollmaking.  You can see a tutorial on Youtube that Antoinette Cely shared on facial coloration by clicking on this link

After creating dolls with cloth covered face masks I became intrigued with Needle-sculpting.  I had always taught myself all of my doll making by reading books and just figuring it out but learning how to needle sculpt took quite a large dead head pile before I liked the results. Until  I met Peggy Wilson at a doll maker’s retreat where she took pity on me during my needle sculpting attempts, sat me down, gave me one of her doll heads, and had me needle sculpt a head with her.    My dead head pile grew but I caught on and have been needle sculpting my doll heads ever since.
I needle sculpted Mistique’s swivel head and incorporated ball joints at her elbows and knees.  I then took inspiration from Marie Antoinette for her costume.  She was soooooo much fun to create.  I am currently teaching a class on how to make her on A for Artistic.

  It’s not too late to sign up.  If you would like more information about the class just click on the following link.
Happy dollmaking J