Self Study Doll Making classes

Friday, November 13, 2020

Working on my studio

Painting stations in my studio

Inspired by the art studio tours on the Art Connection Summit and the NAIDA virtual conference, I started working on reorganizing my studio this week.  This is my painting room.  

Standing Station in my studio

I wanted to set up a space in it where I can easily film my projects while I was working on video tutorials and classes.  I recently invested in a camera arm so I no longer need to work around a tripod to hold my camera while videotaping sessions.  I tried it out this week and it works amazingly well.

videotaping station with camera arm in my studio

Since I am trying to develop a consistent watercolor painting practice, I have dedicated one station to watercolor painting.  

Watercolor painting station in my studio

This is a close up of my watercolor painting station.  

Close up of watercolor painting desk

My beloved husband made me a reproduction watercolor painting box which I love and keep my tube watercolors in.

Reproduction watercolor painting box

Reproduction watercolor painting box

The studio still needs some work and a bit more decluttering but it is getting closer to how I would like it.

Another work station in my studio

You can find out about my self study classes by clicking on the picture below.


Self Study Classes

You can find out about the Little Lion and Little Santa Art dolls I have for sale by clicking on the picture below.


Art Dolls for Sale

You can find out about all the free tutorials I offer by clicking on the picture below.


Free Tutorials

If you want to find out more about me click on my picture below.


About me

Until next time…….


warm hugs,


Sunday, November 8, 2020

I Love what students do with my class projects!


Sleeping Mermaids by Marla L. Niederer

I have to share a project Christy Chumley created after taking my Sleeping Mermaid class. 


Octopus Doll by Christy Chumley

I always encourage students in my classes to make three heads for each project so they can use the head they like the best for the doll.


Octopus doll by Christy Chumley

Christy used one of the extra Sleeping Mermaid heads she made to create her Octopus doll.


Octopus Doll by Christy Chumley

I just love how her Octopus doll came out!


On another note I have been downsizing my collections trying to choose what to let go and what to keep.  


My teacup collection

It started with my teacup collection.  Prior to arranging them in my china cabinet like this, there was kind of a mash up of unrelated items in the cabinet and it just didn’t look as pretty and calm as I wished it would. 


My Half Doll Collection

Some of the items in it didn’t go together such as my collection of 1920’s half dolls and my beloved husband’s collection of mementos from Switzerland and two forks from his grandfather.


My Beloved's collection of memorabilia

 So I asked him to make me two shadow boxes so I could arrange the items from our collections together in a way that we could enjoy them without feeling cluttered.


Antique doll collection at Carmel Doll Shop

  I originally got the idea of placing a collection of small dolls into a shadow box when I visited the Carmel Doll Shop in Pacific Grove California during the 2018 NIADA conference.   Displaying our collections like this makes it easier to enjoy what you truly love and let go of the excess.

You can find out about my self study classes by clicking on the picture below.


Self Study Classes

You can find out about the Little Lion and Little Santa Art dolls I have for sale by clicking on the picture below.


Art Dolls for Sale

You can find out about all the free tutorials I offer by clicking on the picture below.


Free Tutorials

If you want to find out more about me click on my picture below.


About Me

I will be teaching the Sleeping Mermaid class again online next year.  You can be kept posted of when it will start by signing up to be placed on the waiting list on the AforArtistic website.


Sleeping Mermaid Online Class with Marla L. Niederer


Until next time…….


warm hugs,
