Self Study Doll Making classes

Friday, July 5, 2013

Warm Hugs

I was very moved by a website I found while surfing the net during the winter holidays.  It is called Enchanted Makeovers and its website is    The organization transforms homeless shelters for women and children into spaces for individuals to thrive in, not just survive.  It sets the stage for individuals living in the shelters to become empowered during the process.  I was so moved by what the organization was doing that I contacted Terry and asked her if it would help to create a pattern and tutorial for a cloth doll that her organization could use.  I wanted to develop a pattern that was very child safe, easy to make, and very warm and cuddly.  I couldn’t think of anything better than a pattern of a kitten made out of fleece called Warm Hugs.  I have spent the past few days of my 51 days of art creating the pattern for Warm Hugs.  The pattern is not complete but I wanted to share what I created so far.  I still have to try out the pattern piece for the tail and develop clothing for Warm Hugs.  Once the pattern and tutorial is developed I will also be sharing it for free with anyone that would like to make the dolls to donate to organizations that could use them to brighten a little ones life such as police departments, hospitals, safe houses, etc.  I will keep you posted on the progress!

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