Self Study Doll Making classes

Friday, October 31, 2014

Fourth Month as a Full time Artist and Happy Halloween!

Okay, so today I wake up in the wee hours of the morning and head downstairs so I don't wake up my sleeping husband who still needs to leave the home to make a living (correction, still feels like he needs to).  I fix a small pot of tea and read over the daily news until my husband trundles down the stairs and starts heading off to work.  I send him off with a kiss and a hug and the biggest Cheshire cat grin.  I then get out my needle and thread and the needle sculpted head I am working on.  I feel like a kid in a candy store.  I can't get over the sheer pleasure of feeling like I am playing hooky from WORK every day.  I get up and get to play all day long creating whatever I wish.  I get to teach my art online while getting to chat with and make friends with doll makers from all over the world.  Granted, I am living on much less income than when I wasn't playing hooky from work but life is soo much better.  I have thoroughly enjoyed the fall and all of its spectacular colors more this year than many, many before.  Life is slower and simpler.  Life is calm and relaxed.  Life is so less stress.  Life is, well just wonderful!
While I have been enjoying this new lifestyle I have had more time to connect with others that share this lifestyle from time to time.  One doll artist that I am friends with on facebook, Rhissanna (her blog is here ), also creates these amazing little tea sets that can be used as doll props.  She posted one that she just finished a while ago and after looking at it I knew I had to have it.  Well I really didn't Have to have it but I wanted it pretty bad.  So, I messaged her and wound up purchasing the set.  She lovingly packed it up and sent it off in a hurry.  It's called an Absinthe tea set.  I've had it in my china cabinet since.  But today is Halloween so my lavender ladies, Bridgette and Mistique, decided to have an Absinthe tea party, silly girls.  Don't they look like they are having fun?

Wishing you a Happy Halloween!

P.S.P.S. I am still teaching how to create your own Bridgette online at A for Artistic.  It's not too late to sign up!  You can find out more about the class here


  1. I did the big change around at about the same time as you Marla, after a serious illness.
    There have been times in my life when I needed to work for more money, and I did it with a glad heart.
    Now I find great joy in staying at home and living simply.
    This does not mean that we will be idle. My head is already spinning with ideas for new ventures. Let's compare notes in a year!
    (For those of you reading this blog, I'm in the Bridgette class at A for Artistic at the moment and it is awesome!)

  2. Thank you Megan, it will be interesting to see where we are in a year from now. We must keep in touch.
    Thank you Maria, and thank you for always encouraging me to do what I am doing now :)
