Self Study Doll Making classes

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Artistic ADD or What have you been working on lately?

This summer I have been suffering from Artistic ADD.  It seems like I have been trying to work on a multitude of projects at one time and keep getting new ideas for more.  Then I have to chase the shiny new idea down the rabbit hole again!  Do you ever run into the same thing?  Anyway, I have been working on a garden sprite, created a sleeping mermaid, played around with new techniques for making and inserting eyes, worked on developing a few new patterns for cloth ball jointed dolls, and have been working on a challenge for one of the online forums I belong to.  On top of that I created and just finished teaching Poinsettia, an online class on A for Artistic and am working on getting ready to teach another online class called Mistique on A for Artistic starting on September 29th.   Reminds me of the old expression, “No rest for the Wicked!”  I thought I might share a few pictures of the ball jointed dolls I have been working on and the antique box I will be making into a doll trunk.  Hope you are having as much creative fun as I am :-)  And yes I will be creating heads for the dolls sitting on the antique box!

If you are interested in finding out more about the online class Mistique that I will be teaching on A for Artistic just click on the following link.


  1. Love your ball jointed dolls. I've been slacking off lately so I really need to get my act in gear :)

  2. Fabulous! Is this going to be a class?

    1. Mistique will start on September 29th on A for Artistic. The rest of the dolls on the post are being created for an online doll club challenge :-)

  3. Your newest look amazing. Can not wait to see the finished flowers. Still picking grapes in hot, humid Florida.
