Self Study Doll Making classes

Saturday, September 17, 2016

The Beauty of a Needle Sculpted Art Doll

What I love the most about needle sculpting my cloth art dolls is that they never come out identical.  Even though I can use the same exact pattern, fabric, etc, each doll seems to have its own personality and never looks quite like the first one I created.  I love this aspect of the needle sculpting process because it makes each doll unique. 
I just completed a second Goddess while in the process of preparing materials to teach her as a class next spring at the Artistic Figures in Cloth and Clay Conference.  Don’t they look so serene sitting together?

If you are interested in joining me in a class I will be teaching an online class which starts soon on AforArtistic 
You can find out more information about the class by clicking here

If you would like to join me in the live class the Goddess at Artistic Figures in Cloth and Clay you can click here to find out more information.