Self Study Doll Making classes

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Watercolor Journal Making with Maria Greene

Selfie of Maria and I
I know I have mentioned before my propensity towards chasing everything artistically shiny down the proverbial rabbit hole.  It’s because it happens all the time and has happened once again.
watercolor journal Maria taught me how to make
While visiting with my dear friend Maria she taught me how to make a watercolor journal.  Of course now I am hooked and have to make some more.  Not an activity that will help with my art doll making deadlines.  But in life as in nature, balance is the key.
Bike seen on our sight seeing travels
While in Florida, Maria showed me the sights.  I fell in love with the trees and wound up spending an afternoon together painting these in my journal.
Watercolor journal entry by Marla L. Niederer
Where there is sunshine there are bikes.  I had to add another journal entry after seeing this one.  The real one has more circular wheels than my version.  That’s the beauty of a journal.  You can paint in it whatever you want without the fear of painting a “bad” painting because you are probably never going to sell it and really don’t need to share it with anyone but yourself.
Watercolor journal entry by Marla L. Niederer
Since I wanted to enjoy our visit together I didn’t spend the entire trip painting.  I did take quite a few pictures to paint in my journal once back home.
While taking in the sights, Maria brought me to an open market in Dunedin where we ran into a Jamaican food stand.  If you ever find yourself there and run into this amazing chef cooking Jamaican Intal food buy your lunch there.  His cooking made my belly so absolutely happy!

This is my favorite tree that I saw in Florida.  Definitely a watercolor journal entry waiting to happen.

Maria makes the most lovely journals that she sells on her Etsy shop here.
Journal by Maria Greene
She also sells a tutorial on how to make your own journals here.
Until next time…..
warm hugs,