Self Study Doll Making classes

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Art Studio Inspiration

I have many things to be thankful for and one is that I am very lucky to have taken over the top floor of my home to use as an art studio.  One of the perks of having an empty nest!
But even though my space is large it has been cluttered and not well planned out.  I tend to work in a creative cyclone at times especially when I am preparing to teach a class or exhibit at a conference.
Julie Gausvik in Janet Brandt's studio.

Well, while being hosted by Julie & Ron Gausvik in Indianapolis to teach my Sleeping Mermaid class this fall, Julie brought me to meet her friend Janet Brandt.  Janet so graciously took me on a tour of her studio which is also the top floor of her home but so much more beautiful than my space.  I just fell in love with her studio!
Janet Brandt in her studio
These are some of the pictures I took of Janet’s studio.
Janet Brandt's caravan bed in her studio
Janet Brandt's studio
Janet Brandt's studio
This is a casket that Janet created to exhibit at the Winterthur Museum.
Janet Brandt's embroidery casket

I have been so inspired by Janet’s workspace that I am starting to think about what to do with mine to make it more inviting.

You can see Janet’s blog and more pictures of her embroidery here

Until next time……
warm hugs,
Moulin Rouge Dancers by Marla L. Niederer
If you are interested in taking a live doll making class from me I am scheduled to teach my Moulin Rouge Dolls workshop at Artistic Figures in Cloth & Clay in Columbus Ohio April 25th – 28, 2019

La Fae Verte with her Dragonfly wings by Marla L. Niederer
I am also scheduled to teach a class on how to make dragonfly wings for dolls and bears at the Philadelphia Artist Doll & Teddy Bear Convention May 2nd -4th

Flower Faeries by Marla L. Niederer

 And if you don’t want to wait until spring, I just added several new PDF tutorials to my shop which are all 20% off for the Cyber week special which is running from November 20th -26th

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