Sunday, April 5, 2020

Blessing Bag Project

One of the ways I have been keeping calm lately is through beadwork.  The repetitive act of sewing beads upon cloth becomes a moving meditation for me and leaves me relaxed and calm. 
The Blessing Bag created by Marla Niederer from Heidi Kummli's tutorial

Heidi Kummli, a bead embroidery artist whom I have admired for quite some time, recently shared a free beading project called a blessing bag.  The project seemed to call out to me so I have spent the past few days creating one.
Blessing bag project by Marla Niederer from tutorial by Heidi Kummli

The first part of this project was shopping in my stash.  If you have never been to my studio, I am fortunate to have quite a stash of fabric, beads, and art supplies. 
I pulled out a treasured bolt of fabric which my grandmother embroidered long ago, some red wool felt, and an assortment of beads.
Fabric embroidered by my grandmother with red felt

While I worked on this project I felt such a warm and beautiful connection to my grandmother.  It felt very comforting for me, now that I am also a grandmother, to be bead embroidering a piece of cloth that my grandmother had embroidered when I was a child.
Blessing bag by Marla Niederer from tutorial by Heidi Kummli

My grandmother is also who created this rag doll for me when I was a child.  And the name for this blog, OrsinisAngels, was chosen to honor her.
rag doll created by my grandmother

Thank you Heidi for the beautiful tutorial.  If you too wish to create a blessing bag you can find the link to Heidi’s video here.

May you keep safe, comforted, and well.
Until next time……

Warm hugs,

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